Diving Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) taking Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) underwater. Blue sea and multiple other diving gannets in the background. Photographed at Noss Head, Shetland, UK.
Credit: David Keep
Diving Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) taking Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) underwater. Blue sea and multiple other diving gannets in the background. Photographed at Noss Head, Shetland, UK.
Credit: David Keep
Observing Seabirds Understanding Oceans
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Diving Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) taking Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) underwater. Blue sea and multiple other diving gannets in the background. Photographed at Noss Head, Shetland, UK.
Credit: David Keep
Roughly 350 species of seabirds around the world rely on healthy marine ecosystems for food. As these systems change, seabirds can offer an unparalleled glimpse into how our oceans work and how they are changing. This interactive webstory assembles data from research sites around the world to explore how we can better understand oceans by observing seabirds.
“Sentinel species” are species that are observable, easily-studied, and sensitive to changes in the environment. Scientists can observe seabirds at sea or on breeding islands and coastlines. Seabirds are affected by environmental shifts, particularly those that impact the availability of their prey. Thus, seabirds can provide valuable insights into ocean conditions.
Every year, researchers visit seabird breeding colonies to measure breeding success, population size, and diet composition. As observations accumulate over decades, scientists can begin to investigate patterns in the data and understand what seabirds are telling us about how our oceans are changing.
Arctic Tern and chick on the island of Spitsbergen, Svalbard.
Credit: iStock/RelaxedPace
Time Series Datasets
Breeding Success Observations
meet the researchers
In 2021, the Farallon Institute in Petaluma, California formed the Global Seabird Working Group (GSWG), with funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The GSWG now includes over 130 researchers stationed all over the world — all dedicated to understanding seabirds and preserving healthy marine ecosystems.
Bill's career exceeds three decades of ecological research. Starting as an intern marine ornithologist working on the Farallon Islands in 1981, Bill spent 15 years as the Director of Marine Ecology at PRBO Conservation Science before establishing the Farallon Institute. Bill has conducted a number of "plankton to predator" studies in the California Current large marine ecosystem, and has written about climate effects on seabirds, marine mammals and fish. In recent papers, Bill described dramatic and abrupt ecosystem changes in response to climate variability. Bill serves on many scientific panels, notably as the Chair of the Advisory Panel for Marine Birds and Mammals for the North Pacific Marine Science Organization and Scientific Advisory Committee for implementation of the State of California's Marine Life Protection Act. Bill has presented to state and federal policy-makers on the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems, and how to best design and use the nation's new ocean observing systems.
Just another fellow who likes auks and remote islands. I spend most of my time drinking peppermint tea in a blind and wondering what kind of seabird I’d be happiest marrying.
Bob held a chair of Seabird and Fishing Interactions at the University of Glasgow and subsequently worked for MacArthur Green as Principal Ornithologist. He was a member of the Board of Scottish Natural Heritage (statutory advisor to Scottish Government on conservation policy) for eight years. He has maintained long-term studies of seabird ecology at Shetland, making annual trips to the remote island of Foula every year from 1971 to 2010 (and occasionally since then), supervising over 60 PhD students in that time.
Seabirds biologist working on seabirds in both off coast of South Africa, Antarctica and Prince Edward Island. Special interest in foraging, population and demographic parameters and conservation and protection of gtheir habitats.
Megan is a biological oceanographer focused on understanding factors that drive species demographics, distributions and movements. Megan’s work spans multiple trophic levels, scales and ecosystems, and utilize innovative tools and approaches. She leads the seabird research for the Palmer Station Antarctica Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program with efforts focused on breeding biology, foraging ecology, behavior and migration to understand mechanistic processes and climate change impacts.
Maggie Lee comes to the Farallon Institute with a cumulative twelve years’ experience in monitoring and researching seabird colonies in Maine, Hawaii, and San Diego, CA. She has a B.A. in physics from Reed College, but a passion for all things seabird. Her previous research has focused on seabird-forage fish interactions and has led her to an ecosystem-based approach to conservation. Maggie Lee joined the Farallon Institute in 2021 to conduct research on the breeding ecology and disturbance of seabirds on Alcatraz Island and to study marine predator diet.
I am a BAS Emeritus Fellow having retired in 2022. I previously led the Conservation Biology group for over 16 years. I participated in 23 Antarctic field trips, having been involved in predator tracking studies for over 20 years. I am especially interested in how seabirds utilize their available habitat and how this relates to their reproductive output and performance, including in the context of climate change and fishing pressure.
Senior Research Scientist, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Tycho has led the seabird research and monitoring in the Røst archipelago, North Norway since the early 1980s, and been instrumental in establishing and coordinating similar long-term work across 18+ other keysites in Norway and Svalbard. He also headed SEAPOP from the start until 2023 and has represented Norway in a range of international working groups on seabird conservation and research.
I am an evolutionary ecologist with a specific interest in the causes and consequences of within-individual change in life-history traits and between-individual variation in life-history strategies. I mostly conduct analyses on long- term individual-based datasets collected in wild populations, and have so far had the pleasure to work on great tits (Parus major), pre-industrial humans (Homo sapiens), jackdaws (Corvus monedula) and common terns (Sterna hirundo).
Seabird biologist, Canadian Wildlife Service, Quebec
Jean-François Rail started to work as seabird biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service in 1995, just after finishing a master’s degree in biology. He has since documented the status, distribution and population trends of seabirds breeding in the province of Quebec, in Canada. His work also includes studies of seabird breeding success, chick growth, diets, foraging, etc. with emphasis on the Gulf of St. Lawrence ecosystem and the Northern Gannet.
Jefferson Hinke leads seabird research for the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program within NOAA Fisheries. He earned Ph.D. in Marine Biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC – San Diego in 2012. His research focuses on the ecology of Pygoscelis penguins and their interactions with fisheries, changing food webs, climate, and other environmental stressors that affect the marine ecosystem in the Antarctic Peninsula region.
Philippa has worked with little penguins for 20 years and began at the Ōamaru Blue Penguin Colony in 2006. She developed a research programme, using both long-term monitoring data and foraging research to better understand little penguin ecology and potential impacts of climate change on the species. She has continued to drive the science work at the Colony to improve conservation outcomes and provide support to other little penguin researchers in New Zealand.
Professor Daniel Oro is an ecologist at the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes, Spain (CEAB-CSIC). His research focuses on population dynamics, conservation biology, and ecological resilience, with a particular emphasis on seabird and island ecosystems. He has contributed significantly to understanding human-wildlife interactions and their ecological implications. His work bridges academic research and practical conservation efforts globally.
Works with seabird breeding and feeding ecology and behaviour since 1979 generating long-term data series for purposes of ecosystem conservation and sustainable management. Presently full time researcher and professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences at Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. Has also worked with Comcaac people (native American group living along the east coast of the Gulf of California) to help record and preserve traditional knowledge about birds and their environment.
I retired in 2012 after 37 years as a Research Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska, over which time I conducted studies of seabird reproduction and feeding ecology at numerous colony sites around the coast of Alaska. Since retirement I continue to work under the auspices of the Institute for Seabird Research and Conservation, a nonprofit founded principally for the purpose of developing a field station and continuing long-term seabird research and monitoring on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska.
After a PhD on seabirds at the Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé and a post-doctorate at Tour du Valat, I joined CNRS in 2001. I am studying the ecology, demography, population dynamics and impact of global change on seabirds, and regularly carry out fieldwork in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica and France.
I am a project leader of Atlantic Puffin population monitoring program in 12 colonies around Iceland since 2010, and project leader of the Icelandic nocturnal seabird monitoring program since 2017.
Lindsay is a seabird ecologist who has specialized in the conservation of albatrosses over the last twenty years. She has worked on assisted migration and breeding colony restoration across Hawaii and the Pacific. She now oversees the research program for Pristine Seas at the National Geographic Society whose goal is to help countries across the Pacific create marine protected areas.
I am an ecologist with a broad background in zoology and marine biology, with a special interest in seabirds. My focus is in the field of conservation biology, and I am particularly interested in the effects of environmental changes on the foraging ecology, population dynamics, physiology and phenology of seabirds. I have worked with both tropical and cold-temperate species, particularly focussing on southern rockhopper penguins, Antarctic fulmarine petrels and northern fulmars. Since 2019, I am part of the Norwegian Seabird Population Monitoring Programme SEAPOP (www.seapop.no/en) and work at the SEAPOP-keysite Sklinna. Here, the main focus is on European shags, but I also work with Atlantic puffins, common and black guillemots, razorbills, herring and great-black-backed gulls.
Heather is a professor of marine biology at the University of New Brunswick (Saint John). Her research interests include seabird responses to ocean warming, patterns of movement, population dynamics, and response to introduced predators. Heather has led the monitoring and research at Machias Seal Island since 2016.
Assistant Director, Endangered Species Research (Retired), New Zealand Wildlife Research
Credit: Deborah Mills
Scientist responsible for long term research on seabirds and endangered New Zealand birds. Focused research on the endangered Takahe, a flightless rail, and the Red-billed gull on the Kaikoura Peninsula. The Red-billed gull study followed over 5,000 individually colour-marked birds over their lifespan to quantify age lived, frequency of breeding, number of partners, number of chicks fledged, pair-bond duration, and causes of mate change.
Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
I am a seabird ecologist with a special interest in how environmental changes and human activities impact seabirds' demography and population dynamics, phenology, behaviour and evolution. At the moment I focus mainly on how species adapt to a changing world and on finding solutions to enhance their conservation status. I am part of the SEAPOP group in Norway, and am responsible for the monitoring on the Hornøya keysite. I work with several species, including common and brünnich guillemot, atlantic puffin, razorbill, black-legged kittiwake, European shag, herring gull and greater black-back gull.
Seabird ecologist interested in new methods for studying seabirds in the field, including sailing drones, automated sensor system and Artificial Intelligence.
Chris has been studying the ecology of seabird communities across the Eastern Indian Ocean region for the past 33 years. Based at the Houtman Abrolhos, an archipelago of 195 islands in Western Australia. He is currently researching oceanographic impacts on breeding, community ecology, GLS/GPS tracking, demography and impacts of marine debris in nests of terns, noddies and shearwaters.
Thierry has been interested in seabirds for a while. After a first visit to the Shetland Islands in 1983, at the age of 15, he came back few times, notably to watch puffins and great skuas interacting on Hermaness. He went on to veterinary studies at Alfort National Vet School near Paris, and then into a Master and PhD in ecology on host-tick interactions and breeding habitat selection in kittiwakes on the Cap Sizun colonies, Brittany. In 1998, with support from the French Polar Institute (IPEV), he set up with collaborators what eventually became a >20 year study on kittiwakes on Hornoya, northern-Norway. Since 2015, he is the principal investigator of ECOPATH, a French Polar Institute (IPEV) project on the ecology of infectious disease in seabirds in Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (Crozet, Kerguelen and Amsterdam islands). He recognized early that seabirds and their parasites and pathogens represent fascinating systems to address basic and applied ecology questions, from spatial population ecology to comparative immunology and conservation.
Wadsworth Endowed Chair in Conservation Science, Center for Ecosystem Sentinels, Department of Biology, University of Washington
Credit: William Conway
Dr. Boersma is the Director of the Center for Ecosystem Sentinels at the University of Washington in the Department of Biology and holds the Wadsworth Endowed Chair in Conservation Science. In the 1970’s she started working with Galápagos penguins to determine how many there were, and now is trying to expand their population by providing high quality nests. Fork-tailed storm-petrels in Alaska kept her busy for a decade, and her Magellanic penguins studies in Argentina continued for over 40 years.
Dr. Jaime Jahncke is the Director of the California Current Group at Point Blue Conservation Science and an Adjunct Professor at San Francisco State University’s Estuary & Ocean Science Center. With a PhD in Biological Sciences from UC Irvine, he brings over 30 years of experience in marine science, focusing on ocean conservation, sustainable fisheries, and protecting wildlife. Jaime leads a dedicated team, working with partners from government agencies, academia, and nonprofits. His work has taken him from Peru to Antarctica, Alaska, and California, all aimed at finding solutions to protect our oceans and the life they support.
Tim Birkhead FRS is emeritus professor of behaviour and evolution at the University of Sheffield. His research on promiscuity and sperm competition in birds re-shaped our understanding of bird mating systems. In addition, he has maintained a long-term study of common guillemots on Skomer Island, Wales since 1972. Since 2014 this study has been funded entirely through public donations
Emeritus Professor, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
I was first exposed to seabird research on Skokholm, by Mike Harris, in 1963. After graduating from university I studied seabirds at Aldabra, Indian Ocean, for my Ph.D. (Aberdeen) and in the Caribbean, before establishing long-term research on Machias Seal Island, Bay of Fundy, in 1995. Our focus is on population and feeding ecology of the whole seabird community of alcids (3 species), terns (2 species), storm-petrels and eiders, in relation to oceanographic change. I now serve as advisor to Heather Major who is continuing the Machias Seal project at the Avian Laboratory for Avian Research at the University of New Brunswick.
Rachael Orben leads the Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University. She earned a PhD in Ocean Sciences from the University of California Santa Cruz in 2014. She first discovered seabirds on the Barren Islands in Alaska in 2002. Since then, she has spent many windy days on remote islands in Alaska, Greenland, Antarctica, the Falkland Islands, and occasionally in Oregon. Her lab tackles a range of applied conservation and management research aimed at understanding the impacts of humans and changing environmental conditions on seabird populations.
Ash is the Science Manager for Bird Island. Ash joined the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) in January 2021, and prior to this worked in Ireland for the last eight years undertaking a variety of research on seabirds and marine mammals. Ash specialises in the spatial ecology of higher predators. Movement is a trait shared by all life on Earth, and Ash’s work looks to understand how the behaviour of individual animals can inform the distribution of species. Ash’s doctoral research focused on seabirds, primarily Northern gannets and puffins, and used tagging technologies to track the movement paths of animals. He has also worked on sharks, sea bass and cetaceans.
Richard is a seabird ecologist at British Antarctic Survey. His research focuses on many aspects of the ecology and conservation of seabirds. He worked on seabirds in Scotland for his PhD and first couple of postdocs, then shifted focus to the southern hemisphere and has led the BAS research on albatrosses, petrels and skuas since the mid 2000s. He works closely with the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and BirdLife International to help develop strategies to improve knowledge of seabirds, their threats - particularly from fisheries and climate change - and conservation.
I've been working in seabird research and conservation for over 10 years, including in the UK and the Falkland Islands. I took up my role as Seabird Ecologist with Falklands Conservation in 2022, leading on the Falkland Islands Seabird Monitoring Programme FISMP) and other seabird related work.
I've been working in conservation and environment for over 30 years, and in the Falklands for the last 15. I started out in seabird research, and to this day it still remains important part of my work due to the many conservation challenges faced by this group.
Wildlife biologist, Canadian Wildlife Service, Atlantic region
Credit: Jen Rock
Jen has been working with seabirds for over 25 years. Employed with the Canadian Government since 2010, she coordinates projects aimed at filling key information gaps for marine and coastal birds, in support of conservation. Jen brings with her a breadth of experience having worked on a diversity of seabird and shorebird projects, including sites in British Columbia, the Hawaiian Archipelago, Chile, the Caribbean and Atlantic Canada.
Helen studies the influence of climate change and human activity on the distribution and demographics of marine species. She is passionate about using science to identify and improve promising approaches to conservation that lead to healthy ecosystems and communities. Helen completed her doctorate at the University of California, Davis where she studied the biophysical responses of plankton to natural and human-driven environmental variability in the California Current. As part of the Global Seabird Working Group, Helen leads statistical analyses to interpret regional and global patterns in seabird demographic trends. Helen is also an adjunct professor and former high school science teacher who prioritizes inclusive teaching, mentorship, and community participation in all aspects of her research.
Erendira is majoring in Environmental Science and is hoping to continue her education to learn more about seabirds. Over the past summers, Erendira was able to go to Alcatraz Island and be part of Bodega Marine Lab’s tours to talk to tourists about seabirds as ecosystem sentinels. Her favorite part was having people realize that something they think is simple, a seabird, can tell researchers and scientists so many things about ocean health.
Julie has worked in the California Current marine ecosystem for three decades, with a brief hiatus on the north coast of Brazil. She studied at UC Santa Cruz and UC Davis in Marine Biology/Ecology. Julie has conducted research on a variety of top predators (marine birds, mammals, fishes) and their prey in relation to ocean climate. She has worked on forage fish population dynamics, quantified predator diet and bioenergetic consumption, analyzed prey thresholds across predator taxa, and developed seabird indicators for forage fish. She integrates these into frameworks of ecosystem considerations for fisheries management. Recently she has become involved in predicting future abundance of commercially-important fishes off the US West Coast relative to changing ocean conditions. At the Farallon Institute, Julie leads the seabird field science program on Alcatraz Island in California, USA. Julie is also a Research Associate at the UC Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Science, has participated in various federal and state working groups, and collaborates regularly across a wide range of institutions.
Sarah Ann is an ecologist who participates in studies of climate effects on top predators, climate variability in the California Current, and predator-prey relationships in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. She manages Farallon Institute’s at-sea seabird and marine mammal observations database, as well as processes the acoustic krill data collected each year off the California Coast. Sarah Ann also coordinates the Global Seabird Working Group by centralizing breeding success, dietary, and prey availability datasets from around the world.
Brian is a marine ecologist who works on the foraging behavior, habitat associations, and spatial ecology of seabirds, and tries to incorporate these perspectives into spatial models of seabirds and their prey. Brian has worked on marine or aquatic birds within California, Alaska, Maine, Nova Scotia, and Wisconsin, and works now both in the office and at sea, participating in 2-3 coastal surveys per year. Brian has also worked in marine science education and outreach, having spent three years teaching university science courses while mentoring undergraduate students on independent and collaborative research projects. His current focus is on linking at-sea and colony estimates of seabird abundance within the context of marine climate change, and developing internship and outreach opportunities that help improve diversity and equity in the next generation of marine scientists. Brian provides ecological analysis for the Global Seabird Working Group.
Gammon works as a data analyst with the Global Seabird Working Group, helping to curate data used in analyses and publications. He joined the Farallon Institute after earning his Master's Degree from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories and focuses on investigating the response of different species to changes in the environment.
Marisol has a background in physics and atmospheric science, but she's an oceanographer at heart. She has studied coastal upwelling for over 15 years, focusing on its variability, how it relates to climate, and how it impacts its marine ecosystem. Her current research focuses in two areas: how climate change, variability, and extreme events impact habitat conditions for organisms (in Eastern Boundary Upwelling regions and in the North Pacific and Bering Sea), and how remote sensing temperature and salinity compare to in situ data in these challenging regions. Marisol lends her oceanographic background to the Global Seabird Working Group to help answer questions on how different seabirds are responding to changes in the oceans.
Trond is a principal scientist at the Farallon Institute and his research has focused on three different, but complementary research directions: 1) ecology of early life stages of fish, 2) ecosystem processes, dynamics, and variability, and 3) ecosystem-level consequences of climate change. These research foci have grown from various post-doc and research positions both in the U.S. and in Norway over the last ten years. He is also engaged in international working groups in ICES and ESSAS. He provides both oceanography and climate backgrounds to the Global Seabird Working Group, helping answer questions about how seabirds respond to complex oceanographic processes like stratification.
impacts of warming ocean temperature
Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) trend in degrees per decade between 1984–2023. Red indicates warming versus blue is cooling (range is 1.7°C or 3°F per decade). Data source: ncei.noaa.gov
As our climate changes, there is an urgent need to understand how ocean warming and related shifts impact marine ecosystems and marine life. Our scientific research has already demonstrated that the rate and impact of climate change in our oceans varies geographically.
Northern Hemisphere — Ecosystem changes are more prominent in this region. Not only is there greater land mass, but also a denser human population has used marine resources there for a long period of time. Here, warming effects are strongly coupled with other human impacts.
Southern Hemisphere — Due to the vastness and remoteness of marine ecosystems in this region, it is less impacted by human activities, and has experienced less warming relative to greenhouse gas emissions. However, evidence suggests this may be changing.
Distributed across both hemispheres, seabirds offer vital information about how warming oceans impact marine ecosystems across the world’s oceans.
Ocean warming, driven by carbon emissions, causes physical changes in marine environments. For example, warming can strengthen ocean stratification, which can in turn have negative consequences for marine food webs.
seabird diets
Seabirds rank among the top predators in the marine food web. Food choices differ among species, as do the feeding methods. Therefore, different seabird species can tell us about the health of different parts of marine food webs.
Planktivores — Some seabirds prey on plankton: small marine organisms that drift in water currents. Planktivores often forage in surface waters, but some, like penguins and auklets, hunt in the depths.
Piscivores — Other seabirds prey on fish. Fish can be found at different depths; some seabirds will skim the surface, while others dive to locate deeper fish. Cormorants and terns are examples of piscivores that forage at different depths.
Omnivores — Some seabirds prey on plankton, fish, or whatever they can find. These diets can consist of crabs, squid, or other animals too. Examples of omnivores are albatrosses and many petrels.
seabird species
Currently, the GSWG monitors about 75 seabird species across the northern and southern hemispheres. Use the dropdown menus to explore them!
Above: European shags and Great cormorant on a rock of Gjesværstappan islands, Norway.
Credit: Credit: alxpin
why monitor breeding success
Seabirds are easily observed on land and ice (e.g., emperor penguins) during their breeding seasons. Breeding success refers to the number of eggs laid and the survival of the chicks once they hatch. Monitoring breeding success provides researchers insight into “seabird productivity”, and the overall health and stability of populations. If there is a significant change in their breeding success, it could indicate a change in environmental factors, such as food availability.
observation sites
Seabird breeding colonies make good research sites because adults and chicks can be observed and studied relatively easily; seabird colonies can be found along most coastlines and islands around the world. Currently, the GSWG monitors seabirds at 87 sites in the Southern and Northern hemisphere. Spin the globe below and click on the different sites to learn more about these fascinating colonies.
Scientists, including those at the Farallon Institute, use mathematical models to make sense of seabird breeding success observations across species, sites, and hemispheres. These models can help us understand how seabirds themselves and the ecosystems they live in are changing as the planet warms and the oceans stratify. The analysis below was published in 2021 with data on 66 species collected over the period of 1964 to 2018. Farallon Institute is in the process of expanding this analysis to include additional species and sites including recent year data.
Normalized breeding productivity(± standard error)
Trends in individual time series (dashed lines) are shown as background.
Trends in individual time series (dashed lines) are shown as background.
Trends in individual time series (dashed lines) are shown as background.
Our study indicates that breeding productivity of fish-eating and omnivorous seabirds is in decline, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Planktivores, though, show signs of resilience, with little change in their breeding success. Implications of our studies for Southern Hemisphere seabirds and their ecosystems demonstrate less urgency, although there are regional exceptions, especially among the remote islands of the Southern Ocean.
Probability of breeding failure(± standard error)
Observations of breeding success or failure are provided as background points, colored by hemisphere.
Observations of breeding success or failure are provided as background points, colored by hemisphere.
Observations of breeding success or failure are provided as background points, colored by hemisphere.
The chance of colony breeding failure — no chicks produced in a given year — is also rising for Northern Hemisphere omnivores and piscivores. Dwindling productivity of seabirds across the North, with its greater rate of warming and history of resource extraction, suggests that the combined impacts of climate change and declining prey are creating problems for top marine predators like seabirds.
field notes
While multi-species, multi-site mathematical models can help us to understand global patterns among seabirds and ecosystems, each study site is unique. Explore stories from some breeding colonies below.
Philippa has worked with little penguins for 20 years and began at the Ōamaru Blue Penguin Colony in 2006. She developed a research programme, using both long-term monitoring data and foraging research to better understand little penguin ecology and potential impacts of climate change on the species. She has continued to drive the science work at the Colony to improve conservation outcomes and provide support to other little penguin researchers in New Zealand.
Long-term monitoring of the penguins began at the Ōamaru Blue Penguin Colony’s establishment in 1993. Population trends in breeding success and survival, in response to environmental variables through time, have been examined. The key finding was the negative impact that storms have on the penguins’ breeding success and potentially survival depending on the storm severity. Conservation actions at the site include predator trapping, the provision of habitat and measures to reduce disturbance to the penguins. The result of these actions is an average annual increase in the population of 8%.
Professor Daniel Oro is an ecologist at the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes, Spain (CEAB-CSIC). His research focuses on population dynamics, conservation biology, and ecological resilience, with a particular emphasis on seabird and island ecosystems. He has contributed significantly to understanding human-wildlife interactions and their ecological implications. His work bridges academic research and practical conservation efforts globally.
The Ebro Delta site was protected in 1986. Since then, it harbors one of the largest and most diverse seabird communities in the Mediterranean, including emblematic species such as Audouin’s gulls and Sandwich terns.
I arrived here in 1991 and started my fieldwork in 1992. This was the starting point of my PhD thesis, before moving to France and Scotland to complete several post-doc positions. At the site, we have banded more than 60,000 chicks and resighted more than 80,000 banded birds to study the demography of Audouin’s gulls.
The original monitoring team composed by only three people (from left to right): Albert Bertolero, Meritxell Genovart and Daniel Oro.
Little Penguins are burrowing seabirds, but they do not dig burrows on Penguin Island, Western Australia, as the sandy substrate is too friable. Rather, they nest under the shrubs, in caves, as well as in nestboxes first placed around the island in 1986. They breed asynchronously, and in WA, this is typically from April-December. They usually lay two eggs, incubation is 5-6 weeks, chicks are guarded for 2-3 weeks after hatching, and chicks fledge at approximately 8 weeks. Both parents share the incubation and chick-rearing. The penguins can lay, and raise, two clutches a year under favourable conditions.
The nestboxes on Penguin Island have been monitored regularly from 1986-2019, except for 1993, 2004 and 2005. Excluding these years, the boxes were monitored on average every 8 ± 6 (SD) days (total number of visits=1069) during the breeding season. The presence of adults, eggs and chicks were noted, as well as adult identity (from flipper bands or microchips) and sex (determined by the depth of the beak), chick identity (chicks marked at approximately 6 weeks of age), and mass of both adults and chicks.
Jefferson Hinke leads seabird research for the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program within NOAA Fisheries. He earned Ph.D. in Marine Biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC – San Diego in 2012. His research focuses on the ecology of Pygoscelis penguins and their interactions with fisheries, changing food webs, climate, and other environmental stressors that affect the marine ecosystem in the Antarctic Peninsula region.
Since research at Copacabana Field Camp in Admiralty Bay began in the late 1970s, the abundance of Adélie and chinstrap penguins has declined >70%. In contrast, the abundance of gentoo penguins increased more than 5-fold. Based on the most recent census, the Copacabana colony holds >8000 breeding pairs and is among the largest known gentoo colonies in the world. Moreover, these trends demonstrate a near-complete reversal in colony composition from the ice-loving Adélie-dominated community to an ice-averse gentoo-dominated community.
Gentoo penguin with its chick, Copacabana Colony, Admiralty Bay.
Julie has worked in the California Current marine ecosystem for three decades, with a brief hiatus on the north coast of Brazil. She studied at UC Santa Cruz and UC Davis in Marine Biology/Ecology. Julie has conducted research on a variety of top predators (marine birds, mammals, fishes) and their prey in relation to ocean climate. She has worked on forage fish population dynamics, quantified predator diet and bioenergetic consumption, analyzed prey thresholds across predator taxa, and developed seabird indicators for forage fish. She integrates these into frameworks of ecosystem considerations for fisheries management. Recently she has become involved in predicting future abundance of commercially-important fishes off the US West Coast relative to changing ocean conditions. At the Farallon Institute, Julie leads the seabird field science program on Alcatraz Island in California, USA. Julie is also a Research Associate at the UC Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Science, has participated in various federal and state working groups, and collaborates regularly across a wide range of institutions.
Brandt’s Cormorants moved into San Francisco Bay in the early 1990s during a coastward population shift. Alcatraz is now one of the largest Brandt’s Cormorant breeding colonies, outperforming its ocean counterparts despite a high level of human disturbance in this urban setting. The bay hosts a large anchovy population and demersal fish nursery, with strong tidal currents and the river plume into the ocean concentrating prey for seabirds and other predators. We are working to mitigate anthropogenic stressors to support this important colony and increase seabird resilience to climate change.
Alcatraz Island Brandt’s Cormorant colony with San Francisco in the background. Credit: Lidia D’Amico
A difficult burrow and sneaky bird just out of reach from three different directions and alternative burrow entrances. A team of three researchers having to work together to get the breeding adult out for identification.
When 3 people are needed to get a bird out of a burrow.
I retired in 2012 after 37 years as a Research Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska, over which time I conducted studies of seabird reproduction and feeding ecology at numerous colony sites around the coast of Alaska. Since retirement I continue to work under the auspices of the Institute for Seabird Research and Conservation, a nonprofit founded principally for the purpose of developing a field station and continuing long-term seabird research and monitoring on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska.
Chris has been studying the ecology of seabird communities across the Eastern Indian Ocean region for the past 33 years. Based at the Houtman Abrolhos, an archipelago of 195 islands in Western Australia. He is currently researching oceanographic impacts on breeding, community ecology, GLS/GPS tracking, demography and impacts of marine debris in nests of terns, noddies and shearwaters.
After a PhD on seabirds at the Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé and a post-doctorate at Tour du Valat, I joined CNRS in 2001. I am studying the ecology, demography, population dynamics and impact of global change on seabirds, and regularly carry out fieldwork in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica and France.
Our program uses seabirds as sentinels of Southern Ocean marine ecosystems. Through a network of 4 observatories from Antarctica to the subtropics (Pointe Géologie, Kerguelen, Crozet, Amsterdam) supported by IPEV, populations of several seabird species have been monitored for more than 50 years. Long-term individual information, combined with studies on feeding ecology, is used to understand the processes through which climate affects marine ecosystems and to make scenarios on the future effects of climate change on seabirds. The program integrates the impact of fisheries bycatch to propose conservation measures.
The French Polar Institute (IPEV) deploys field huts in remote sites to help monitoring seabird populations.
Seabird ecologist interested in new methods for studying seabirds in the field, including sailing drones, automated sensor system and Artificial Intelligence.
We have studied the murres in the Baltic Sea for several decades, without having any detailed insight on the availability of their prey. The only thing we have seen is the fish they bring back to the ledge for feeding their chicks. In 2019, everything changed, when started using a “marine drone” with an echosounder to survey the waters around the colony. We are now developing detailed ideas on the distribution of fish, at which depth they are present, and how they behave. By linking this to the foraging behaviour of the birds, we can get a more precise idea on how much fish we need to leave in the water to conserve seabird populations.
Tony Diamond, M.Sc., Ph.D.
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Tony Diamond, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
I was first exposed to seabird research on Skokholm, by Mike Harris, in 1963. After graduating from university I studied seabirds at Aldabra, Indian Ocean, for my Ph.D. (Aberdeen) and in the Caribbean, before establishing long-term research on Machias Seal Island, Bay of Fundy, in 1995. Our focus is on population and feeding ecology of the whole seabird community of alcids (3 species), terns (2 species), storm-petrels and eiders, in relation to oceanographic change. I now serve as advisor to Heather Major who is continuing the Machias Seal project at the Avian Laboratory for Avian Research at the University of New Brunswick.
Machias Seal is a 9.5ha rocky island at the junction of the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine, managed as a Migratory Bird Sanctuary by the Canadian Wildlife Service. It is the largest seabird colony in the Gulf of Maine oceanic ecosystem, hosting colonies of cold-water species close to the southern edge of their distribution. UNB’s research since 1995 has been focused in two directions – exploring how several closely-related species persist in co-existence here, and interpreting changes in the birds’ biology in terms of responses to environmental changes. For several species it functions as the 'mothership' of the broader Gulf of Maine seabird metapopulation.
Richard Phillips, Ph.D.
British Antarctic Survey
Richard Phillips, Ph.D.
Professor, British Antarctic Survey
Richard is a seabird ecologist at British Antarctic Survey. His research focuses on many aspects of the ecology and conservation of seabirds. He worked on seabirds in Scotland for his PhD and first couple of postdocs, then shifted focus to the southern hemisphere and has led the BAS research on albatrosses, petrels and skuas since the mid 2000s. He works closely with the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and BirdLife International to help develop strategies to improve knowledge of seabirds, their threats - particularly from fisheries and climate change - and conservation.
The first study of albatrosses at Bird Island was in the late 1950s. More species have been added over time, most recently the white-chinned petrel, and British Antarctic Survey now monitor 11 species of seabirds on the island. The data are used to answer diverse questions about ecology, life history and threats, and to help develop policy for management and conservation.
I am a project leader of Atlantic Puffin population monitoring program in 12 colonies around Iceland since 2010, and project leader of the Icelandic nocturnal seabird monitoring program since 2017.
Every year since 2010, we visit twelve puffin colonies around Iceland twice, to study their population ecology. 'Gone Feral', the YouTube channel has featured many of these sites, including Papey Island, in this video, off the East Coast of Iceland. By clicking on the links, you can view videos of some of our other sites in Iceland, including Akurey, Grímsey, and Vestmannaeyjar islands.
What It All Means
The goal of the Global Seabird Working Group is to leverage the persistent work of researchers on breeding colonies around the world to help us understand what seabirds can tell us about ocean health. It is increasingly clear that our marine ecosystems are under multiple threats. Celebrating, monitoring, and protecting seabirds can help us understand changes, and what can be done to turn declining trends around.
Seabirds are fantastically diverse top predators; whether they “fly” underwater for plankton or skim the surface for small fishes, these amazing creatures are exquisitely adapted to life on the seas. Our interactions with seabirds are often limited to those we can see from the shoreline, but these species connect us to the vast, ever-changing, and increasingly threatened marine environments that they call home.
Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) on the cliffs of Great Saltee Island in the Celtic Sea.
Credit: Wynand van Poortvliet
Long-term scientific research programs around the world, like those led by members of the GSWG, are more important than ever if we are to continue observing seabirds to understand oceans. As seabird populations struggle with ocean warming and other human activities, these programs can help society protect these threatened populations for future generations.
Maggie Lee Post, seabird researcher at the Farallon Institute monitoring breeding colonies on Alcatraz Island, California, USA.
Ecological research provides valuable insights that can shape local, regional, and global policy. Our work shows that seabird productivity is declining globally, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Strong, targeted management of prey species, such as small forage fish, may help to minimize the effects of ocean warming on top predators.
Fisheries provide jobs, revenue, and are the primary source of protein to more than 35 percent of the world’s population. Regions where the greatest amount of ecosystem overfishing occurs are also where impacts can be the greatest.
Credit: NOAA Fisheries
study questions food for thought
Test your knowledge with the questions below. Interested in building a lesson plan around this work? Email info@faralloninstitute.org for suggestions and to share your ideas.
Puffin (Fratercula arctica) with beak full of sandeels.
Credit: CreativeNature_nl
Ocean Warming and the Food Web
Spin the globe in the Impacts of Ocean Warming Temperatures section, which parts of the oceans are warming, and which are cooling?
What causes ocean stratification and what breaks down stratification?
How might ocean warming and stratification influence the availability of prey for top predators like seabirds?
Seabird Variety and Habitat
What are some of the ways seabirds forage for their prey? What do they eat?
Seabirds mate and lay eggs in colonies on the coastline and remote islands. Why do they choose these places to nest?
Play around in the Seabird Species section. Which is your favorite seabird and why?
Observation and Breeding Success
What aspects of seabirds do researchers try to measure on breeding colonies?
Some of the longest breeding success time series go back 50+ years! What makes these datasets so important?
Play around in the Observation Sites section. Which breeding colony would you most like to visit and why?
Data Modeling and Analysis
New research shows that seabird breeding success is in decline? Where is it declining fastest and among which types of seabirds?
How is the probability of breeding failure changing, and what does this mean for seabirds?
What are two things we can do to address climate-driven declines among top predators, like seabirds?
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